The Program
The goal of Zion Canyon Mesa is to construct, promote, operate and maintain a residency center where, at any given time, eight writers and visual artists can work without outside intrusions. The program is patterned after other national residency centers such as the MacDowell Colony, Yaddo, Ucross, and Hedgebrook. Zion Canyon Mesa is distinguished by its spectacular world class setting with its expansive arts and humanities community programs.
Residents will spend two to eight weeks in environmentally and artistically designed studio apartments working on creative projects, which will be shared with the public through presentations and exhibits throughout the state of Utah, and in particular, Springdale, St. George, Cedar City, and the smaller communities of Washington, Iron, Kane, Garfield and Piute Counties. These programs will include readings, lectures, exhibits, demonstrations, workshops, public media interviews, and school (K-12) programs led by residents. We will make a special effort to reach out to the Ute, Navajo, and Paiute tribes in the state. Zion Canyon Mesa will sponsor some of these events, while approved outside groups may organize others. The programming will provide a flow of creative expression between the participants and the Utah communities.
Working At Zion Canyon Mesa
Writers and visual artists in residency at Zion Canyon Mesa will experience a grounded, productive, environment free from the noise and clutter of everyday life.
The residency periods are divided into eight-week blocks. The residents can choose to stay two, four, six, or eight weeks. In the shorter time slots a new resident will replace one who is leaving, thus maintaining full occupancy during each time block. With this rotating schedule, Zion Canyon Mesa can serve between seventy-five and eighty-five residents a year. From time to time, Zion Canyon Mesa will invite individuals or groups to be guests. Eventually, we hope to provide fellowships to experienced writers, advisors and others who contribute to the health of Zion Canyon Mesa and its programing. Residents are expected to observe certain guidelines while at Zion Canyon Mesa. First and foremost is that they work. They must respect the land, plants and animals as well as the spirit of the place. They are free to walk the land at any time. During evenings, they may choose to socialize, have readings, games, music, etc.
Residents prepare their own breakfasts, the makings for which they will take back to their rooms after the communal dinner the previous evening. Lunch is delivered to their door unobtrusively. Dinner is in the dining room of the Commons. Residents are asked to be prompt at the evening meals. While the staff will make every effort to meet special dietary needs, residents may have to supply some of their own food items when the Chef is unable to provide them.
Every effort will be made to ensure the solitude of the guests' workday. No visiting is permitted from cabin to cabin until after 4:00 p.m., and then by invitation only.
Writers must provide their own writing equipment, pencils, paper, computers and printers. Likewise, artists must also bring their supplies. Easels are provided. They will have a work space in the artist studio separate from their living quarters. Everyone is expected to do their own housekeeping and laundry and at the end of their stay, leave their rooms as they found them.
Residents should plan on going without their pets, TVs, and without visits from friends and family except on weekends and evenings. If a guest wishes to spend the night with friends or family, he or she may check out. There are a variety of motel accommodations and camping places in and around Springdale.
Although residents may bring their cars to Zion Canyon Mesa, staff can pick them up in St. George for those arriving by air, shuttle, or bus, and return them at the end of their stay. There is a community library, restaurants, pharmacy, bookstore, grocery store and other small shops in Springdale within walking distance of Zion Canyon Mesa. Both the town of Springdale and Zion National Park provide free shuttle service through town and in the park.
Selection Process
A selection committee of seasoned professionals from diverse disciplines will choose residents from a range of applicants, ensuring a rich exchange of ideas and perspectives and the possibility of generative collaboration. During certain periods between residency sessions, Zion Canyon Mesa will host gatherings, workshops, retreats and conferences for suitable individuals, groups, and organizations such as students, educators, and other non-profits.
Utah will benefit immensely from the long-range impact of work created at Zion Canyon Mesa. Residents at MacDowell and Yaddo, for example, have won Pulitzer Prizes, National Book Awards, and other major recognition with a worldwide cultural impact. Zion Canyon Mesa is designed to support authors and artists in creating works with similar potential.